Monday, November 15, 2010

The Prairie Heritage Center is hosting
a statewide traveling
exhibit now through
January 6, 2011!
Tallgrass Prairie-Past, Present & Future

Americans and millions of people around the world will sit down to a meal sometime today courtesy of prairies that once covered much of Iowa. Come and experience the story of our prairie heritage through the exhibit "Tallgrass Prairie-Past, Present, and Future." This display is making its way through the state and we are the first to host the exhibit in the western Iowa location. Hands-on displays and interactive components will engage visitors in learning about prairie landscape and native plant species. Visitors to the center will also be able to become personally involved in perservation and restoration of the prairie ecosystem.
Some of our special events while we are hosting this exhibit include:
*A snowshoe hike across a native prairie
*A photography presentation depicting the many colors of the prairie

Our goal of this exhibit is to have visitors leave with a better understanding
of the story of Iowa's prairie heritage.

Bring family and friends to take a look! Our hours over the Thanksgiving holiday are-

Thanksgiving Day-Closed
Friday, November 26th 1-4pm
Saturday, November 27th 1-4 pm
Sunday, November 28th 1-4 pm
Our regular hours are-
Wednesday-Friday 9am-4pm
Saturday-Sunday 1pm-4pm

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